Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

unto ytfus Chrift. Why fhould Chrift Jefusbe filch an earneft fuiter unto me, and defire fo to fpeed ? I am a poor worm, faith the foul, what can Chrift find in me ? my father was,an Arnorite,and my mother an Hittite i havenograce to adorn Ez_k,i(.4 me, and how is it poflible chat aria íhould have me ? - Yea, it is poffable that Chrift tvill have thee, ,rjpgfig,. nay it is got only poífible, but Jefus Chrift is already become a real fuiter unto thee, as will appear by thefe following Reafons. Firít,Chriít bath taken a viewof perfons, & Rear. I . likes theme Ifaman once fets his mind upon a of Chritls woman, he will have her, no body (hall fcarce love to his withítand him ; I fay, Chrift bath Peen us,and Spoufe. raft his love upon our nature. It is fi'id,he will in no wife take upon him the nature of Angels, but took upon him thenature ofman, even the feed of .Abraham: Jefus Chrift would needs take upon him thenature ofman to ex alt it, and to honour. man. It is fail; Godfo loved the world, God the Son, as well as God the Father, God being in our nature cannot but pittyour perfons : ifhe had taken the na- ture of the Devils upon him, he would have pityod them, and faved them, and now if we be never fo vile,yet if we will ftoopunto him hebath that he defireth. Sampffn was a brave and valiant man, for he was a type of Chrift, andyou Ihall read, that he efpied a woman =one the daughters of the Philiítirnes, and that he pitched his heart upon her, and both his father and Mo- ther could not beat him off fromher, but give me 205.