zo6 The Souls invitation me her ( he faith ) get her for rue to wife, for Judg.z4. I love her, I rnuft haveher. Then his Father i,% and Mother laidunto him, What will you do with her ? is there never a woman among the daughters of thy brethren, but thou goett to the uncircumcifed Philiflimes for a wife ? no, they could not prevail, get her for me,for the pleafeth me well. And afterwards in the fol- d {h lowing part of Chapter, you all find that juag. 5. when Sampfons wife was given to his corn- L.23, panions, he went and caught three hundred Foxes, and took fire-brands, and turned them tail to rail, he let them go into the ftanding corn of the Philiftimes, and burnt up both the fhocks, and al lo the flanding corn, with the vineyards, and Olives. Though this was not commendable in Sampiron,yet it was in Chrift, for he may love us that were of this uncircum- cifed world, and adulterate from him ; and fpoil principalities,and powers for us. Again, afterward Sampron efpied an harlot,and went in unto her, whofe name was Delilah, who was but a trap tobetray him to the Philiflimes, and before he would lofe her, he would fuffer his locks to be cut off; nay, he will lye, and part with the truth, and all for her,yet be- ing betrayed, he avenged himfelfon the Phili- aimes, & flewmore at his death then he did in all his life : Sampfon in this was a true type of Chrift, that mighty Nazarite,vvho came down out ofHeaven to be avenged of the Devil and fin. Chrift when he came, took a view ofour per fons, poor (inners and harlots, and after he had taken a view ofour prfons,coming in our nature