Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

unto lefia Chrt a07 nature he would loveus ; yea ,fairh God, they will do'nothing but abufe my fon, and wrong thee,Oh my fonand break thy heart, and vex thy fpirit ; he bath feen Delilah, and cannot but love us, and come in unto us : If thou wilt have them, f-aith .God,they grill difcover thy Itrength to the devil : as if God should fay, if thou wilt have them, they will deal asbadly by thee,asever Delilah did by Sampfon,they will betray thee into the handsofSatan, they will bring thee to the crofs & defpitefully ufe thee, mock, and fcoff, & fpit on thee,& fo they did; Many will fay,I will have fuck a one though Igo a begging with her;which is a very foolii1t refolution, for the which God will make thee fmart. Well, but Chrift faith, I will not lofe them for fuffering, let the worn come to the* worft,forI lovethem,therfore I wil have them. Becaufe the Lord Chrift cannot performthe office ofa Saviour, except he be married unto us; and if he loth not, why then he lofeth his coming into the world,hisbloòd,death,and all his fufferings, he lofeth all his miracles, all his preachings,prayers,and tears,and the like; and did you ever fee or hear of any man, that would lofe a Sheep for halfa penny-worth of Carr? even fo it ítandeth with Chrift and us,he cannot fave thee except he doth marry thee. Aman that bathmany friends,and they have as much to command in ellate as he, and if a pwor- woman be indebted, he is not bound to pay her debts, except he marrieth her : fo Chrift, except he marrieth us, he cannot pays oùrdebts,he canna fatishe for our fu1s,& "God s villi