Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

*::"+;;t.,.`"''t«i :., ` z:-., -.s`.,,i Y ---«--.-:i.:, 2Gó nt The Soulsinvitation will not be toofree of his funs blood, if your fins were never'fo much, and you be in Chrift, Chrift muff fatisfie for thee ; Chrift muff have lien in hell,had he not paid our debts ; fo long as thou art married unto him, hemuff dif- charge thee. As now ifa woman ought never fo much, and the worthnothing ; in that day the is married the oweth not a penny, for the Law will come upon her husband : fo though we are never fo much indebt, and worth no- thing, in the day we are married to Chriff we owe nothing,for the juftice of God cannot command it ofus, but muff go toChriff. The Lord Chriff couldnot do this except he were married unto the, therefore thoumuff be di- vorced from luff, & be betrothed unto Chrift, for he that made thee is thy husband ; ifwe be united untoGod, the juffice ofGod will not come for fatisfaaion to us, but to Chrift,who is able to fatis ixe, I fay (as a woman ) What have you to do withme ? go tomy husband. What(faith Jufiice)l aft thou a husband ? then I have nothing to fayunto thee. Juftice will not come any more unto you, I warrant you ; for ifChrift Jefus be married untome, thenhe muff be charged with me,and difcharge all my' debts for me. RAM f 3, Becaufe Jefus Chrift our Lord cannot dif- OfChritls cover anddeclare the deep, and dearaffect}ions love to the, toa foul, which he bath purchafed of his love foul, towards her, under any other relation, but under the relation of a husband. Why doth a man defire to marry, but becaufe he cannot exprefs his love any other way, he cannot ex- prefs