Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

gala leftis Chrift. prefs his love fo much in teeing her, cn with forrowing with her, but he mull have her in bed with him, he mull make over his whole c- flare to her,hemull beget children by her and fó Chrin cannot beget graces by thee, except he be married to thee.' mull beget my likenefs, faith Chrifi-, I mean tobe head of my Church, my wifdom, power and parts are all for my Church, I cannot make this over, except Hor.s, marry,therefore lie betroth thee te mj felf,&c. 19 2.0F, or ufe ; hadl Chrifl fuch an earn& defire of us ? then this fhould reach us earneftly ro VIe T . defire Chrift., we have more read of Chrift, Ot Exhor- then he hath,ofus ; do not think to be faved by, draten to Chriff and never to be fub'ed-unto him ne-oymthent ver to be divorcee from fin, & all thing for his of (ltai, fke,hewill fave devils before he will lave thee, if thou dofo.Therefore let us be exhorted,what could Chrift have done more then he did ? Sampfon did never undergo fo much for Dalilah, as Chrift did for thee, therefore let us yeild to this marriage,I mean of the foul;the cafe may fiand fo in the marriage of the body, as that you may marry or not marry, and yet thou mayil be faved,but not-fo here,for, Firft, ifyou will not march with Chria you I, mull marry the devil,and to fin; and you mull He that be/ hag and a baud for the devil ifyou will not in ',1,riel'h be a fpoufe for Chrift, and if he fer you to murther you felves, you mull do it, ifyou be tmhe-Dr'cvii. not married to Chrift;ifyou will not go double to Heaven, you fhall never go fingle,you will be bedded fhortiv in the devils bed, if you be not married to Chrift : but ifhe be your bus- P band, 209