2 to I TheSouls itflvit4tion The dig- nity of Chrift his high birth. fal.Z: a. The dig- nityof Chrift his high edu- Itation. Prov.8. ia,Z3. band, if you be married unto him,he will fetch you home ere long, however he may fuffer you to tarry here a while with your friends, it. (hall not be long before he will fend for you, therefore there is a neceffity of marrying to Chrift,and why fhould we not marry ? What is there in Chrift, that he i'vo,filci befo earnef ? What are his excellencies ? What is there that is not lovely in him?what wouldyou have in Chrift that is not inhim, & tranfcendent excellent in him?would you have high birth ? For high birth, Chrift is the highefl born of any, he is defended from. God Almighty, and he never had any other Sonbut this, fromall eternity he was only begotten ofthe Father ; you cannot match to any oflike birth, Kings and Princes be but born on a dunghil to Chrift therefore if you hand upon birth,cOn-' fder him to be Gods onlySon, hors Art myfon, &c. As ifGod fhould fay,I acknowledge thee to be my fon, by an everlaftinggeneration, I am fo far frombeing aihamed ofhim, as that I confefs,I have begotten him. A fecond thing in Chrift is, Ashe is high born,fohe is highly educated ,andbred ; many Princes may be born clowns, many a woman will fay, I will not have him for a world, for he is a clown : it is not fo with Chrifl jefus; for Chrift was from everlafting with the Fa- ther;The Lordpoffeffed him in the beginning of his way,& again,Then wrtr 16y him,&c.Chrift was ever with God; the Lorddid poffefs me in the beginning ofhisways;Cbrift was brought up