unto cfas Chrl f 2I1 up withGod,dayly he was hisdelight,brought up in Heaven before any world was made or thought on by any creature, he wants no breeding, he hath What God bath, Iandmy Father am one. Do you ftand for portion ? He bath portion enough, that is it that many a woman hands fo much upon, What bath hea portion, is hean able man ? Heaven and earth, and grace and glory, all are his,and ail his is yours,if you are Chrilts, all things are yours, he bath wealth enough,fo that there is no,fear ofwant ofpor- tion. I, but bath he beauty,and is he comly ? Yes The Cotn- be bath beauty enough, he is all defires,that is, l nefsof altogether defireable for beauty. As many will Chrift. fay, he or fhe is ugly to my view, fuck a one pleafed menot:but all the women in the world have not fo much beauty as Chrift hath in him. What is thy belovedmore then anot hers beloved ? My belo'wed(faith the Spoufe)Is the chiefefl of ten thoufands, thou art beautiful O my love(faith Chrift) as Tirzah, comely as 7t- rufalem, & terrible as an Army with banners, and Who is he that lookedforth, &c. If Chrifts Spoufe be fobeautiful as Tirzah, comelyas 7e- rufalem then Chrift much more never was 7erufaleìrt,or?irzah fo adornedas Chridl is, if e befair to the moon, &c.thenwhat is he him- felf ; what will you have more then, there is irth,Breeding,Portion,andBeauty enough in Chrifl,certainly he is molt lovely ' &defircable. Oh, but faith the poor foul, I cannot tell whether Chrift will love me or no. P z John !O. 33. Of (::hri{fs digni.y hRs great por- tion. Car.. 5.. io Cant. 6.4. The C7bjec`l.