2 1 The ouls invitation The loveofyonatham w ,s.never fo to David, Anfw. as Chrifts will be to you ; from everlafting to everladling he is God, therefore he will ever love. Chriftdoth love his Church moll:, when the is blackeft, & 'Theft in her own eyes,faiih Chrift, Oh thou faireft amongwomen, thotr art as beautiful in mine eyes as the faireft Saints in Heaven. I haveenough tomake thee beauciful though thou haft hen among the wicked, yet being married to Chrift he will make thee as beautiful as the wings ofa Dove. heath flips our marige knot, yet it doth not between Chrii: and the foul, it ponfech thee of Chrifts love more fully (as it is) For f Rom.S. perfwaded that neither life,nor death,&c. A dul- 3 pa cery or the like, may diminifh, or break the bonds here: but it doth not in Chrift(although we thould not fin that grace may a bound ) waters cannot quench his love, what would you have more? Objea. i do Piot know if I fhall propagate or be fruitful by himor no ? as woman fay. 4nfw. But if you be married to Chrift you (hall ne- ver be barren,as it is, Thy teeth/hall a Cant,6 .6. flockoffbeep,&e.& none barrenamongft them, Iliac that be married unto Chrtft thall befo far from barrennefs,as they fhall bear twins. .4gain faith thepoor foul,I am a poor finful Òbjea. creature,& t think his great kindred will Rom rne,furely God the father will fcornme ? Anfir Though outwardly it way be fo, yet here it is otherwife, God the Father cloth beftow 2S real love upon you beingmaried untoChrift, as upon Chrift. Be not forrowful, but corn forted Te ove of Chrilt to his Spcute. iii