Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

unto Tfiss Chrift. forted,and tell my brethren, I afceud unto my father,& toyourfather,&c.if ye be matched to Chrill, God is Gs much our Father as Chriíis: and as for Angels andSaints,they do rejoyce at the converton of a limier; as for the Saints on earth, mark David, All my delight is in the Saints, and in thofe which excel in vertue ; as for his friends and kindred they are all recon- ciled to thee. I cannot tell ifChrifl will keep me or no ? Thou thalt not fear, if thou art matched um- 4nw. to Chrifl, he will feed thee,ofthe fineft flower (halt thou feed of , and with all the dainties that can be, he will carry thee into his houfe IC125.5 and fatisfie theewith fat things, &c. Again,ne will let me go in mean habit,it may Ovea. be l (hall bebut meanly clad? You (hall obferve that Chrift doth not cloth Anfw. his Spoufe withbale and meanattire,Nowwhen Ipafedby thee and lookedupon thee, &c. I a- Eu41. dorned thee with curious ornaments. Thou 10,11,12, (halt be lure to be-clothed with graceenough, 13 thou (halt be made one with Chrift, and have means enough, and lengthofdays here, and glory hereat' er. Why Mould you not match with Chrift ? a woman may deny one,and have another as good as he : but ifyou refufe Chrifl, you (hall 'never have fuch another, Heaven and earth bath not fuck anothr, if you be not married to Chrift,you are fpoiled for ever. What muff I do ifI be marriedunto Chrift? 4e11, What are my duties 1 may ft do ? If you be married toChrift, you muff let Anfix. your affeetions on him, Hù baxner ever me zvas 2 3