'z i 4 The Souls îsvitaxion I. Love to Chrift, 2. Sutajedión to Chrift. Prefer Chrift a- boveall. a Cord. 17. 4 Be fruitful to Chri. was love , O ftay me with _flagons &c. Thou muff have faith : plight me thy troth, faith God, avouch me tobe thine, as well as for me to avouch you to be mine. As if he fhould fay, wilt thouhave my fon, thou muff have him for better for worfe, never thinkof parting ifonce yoube married unto him. muff be in fubje&}ion to thy husband, thou mull fubjec`t thy felfto Chrift,his wil muff be thy will, you muff giveunto him prompt obedience in all things. Thou muff get a forfakingheart from all o- thers; a woman forfaketh her fathers houfe & goeth to live with her husband,and fo we muff (hake hands with all our fins, and bid them fat-ewe', to go to live withChrift, and they twain fhall beone fpirit, For he that isjoyned unto the Lord,is orae (iirit. Thou muft be fruitful for Chrift. Herein L my father glori fed,thatyou brisegforthmuch fruit. Ifyou have thefe things, Chrift is your husband,you are ofa truth married to him. But what if I be marrieduntoChrift, what fhouldI have by it,is it anypriviledge ? T I have told you enough already what you Our Bene- fhould have : yet further, thou (halt have firs by be- God to be thyFather,He that loathme bath the Ing mar- Father alfo God the Father will come,&make Chr if. his abode with thee. 2. If thoube matched unto JefusChrift, thou The spirit fhalt have the fpirit ofJefus Chrift to be thy of Quilt. cornforter,thet fpirit whichlyeth in thebofome of God, (hall be with thee, the Comforter f which abides withGod and Chrift, (hall abide with