unto 7ef ras Chrift. 2 5 with thee, IfIgo not, faith Chrift, thecomfor- ter will not come, the fpirit that comforted Chrift on the crofs fhall comfort thee, anddo you know what it is to have a comforter in affliction ? this you (hall have if you be mat- ched unto Chriff,you (hall have the fpirit ofall confolation and comfort. Thou fhalt have the Angels ofGod toattend thee and to do thee any fervice : as if they The accen_ fhould fay, (hall weattend you this day ? {hall dance of we keep the Devil from thee? we will bear thee Angcls. in our arms, we will guard and defend thee, and do you any pleaftire. The Angels are made miniflring fpirits, fet forth to miniiler for von, as when an bolt of horfe-men, and charets were fent toDothan to fetch Eli,/I.rz unto the King of Syri i, his fervant was afraid, when he faw the City compafl'ed with charets and horfemen, and cryed out, Alas what fhall we Ido ? his rafter EliAa Qtid, Fear not, for they that are with us are More then they that are :Ktr s 6° with them : andafterElijha hadprayed to the 15' 6'4 Lord toopen his eyes, he beheld and faw the Mountains were full o£charets & honks offire round abouts Elifba, he faw that the holi that was, with him and his maf<er,was greater then thofe that were again;} him,and fo the Angels attend continually upon the childrenof God, in every bufinefs they goabout. All thepromifes ofGod (hall be a pledgeun- The Fro - to thee , the promifes be the feats of Gods bonds, thewill ofa rich man fealed is as fure,as Proration ifyou had it in real performance. ì from the Further thou fhalt have thedevil do nothing Devil. but -F-.-_....