Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

The .Soulsinvitation, &C. but beat thee from fin, and the creature unto Chrift ; he fhall do thee no hurt, God lets t.1 e Devil be in the world for the goo of is c .i wren Ai/thingsfliall rworttogetherfor the `good cods people, for their advantage; for thou (halt have that which eye never far', nor ear heard, &c. ifthouart truly united unto Jefus Chrift, Who would not think it good to match with Chrift ? if thou confenteft to match with Chrift , he doch í`o with thee , and fo I pronounce Chrift and you married; as he was an earneft futer now he is become a real fpeeder, and you are made for ever happy, happy that ever you were born happy that ever you faw him in his ordinances, and that ever hecame to thee in theway oflove that your timewas a timeoflove, happy that ever he took delight in thee, and that your heart is come unto him to dole with him, and to be his for ever bleffed, man or woman, thou art in a Heavenly condition already, and íhall en- joy him for ever, I fay,you are happy if you havehitn,but miferable,and wretched forever if you want him. Poe wretch your condition is lamentable, who evér thou art that haft not Chrift, thou-art in an undone condition, who can exprefs it ; who can make thee tounder- ftand it, although we íhould declare it unto thee? theLord pity thee, and bow thy heart, and ear o attend unto the things that belong . to thy e erlaítnig peace,Amert. F I N I S