he Sincere Coxveri. 9 Th gainft their Idol gods, and that is,continually ere is God. to wrong this God ; Men that feek-not for all they want by prayer, nor return all hack a- gain to Godby praife. A fecond Life iq,for Exhortation. Oh labour vfe 2. \ to fee and behold this God. is there a God, and wilt thou not give him a good look ? 01- pafs by all the rivers, till thou come to the fpring-head ; wade through allcre tures,un- till thouart drowned, plunged,and fwallowed up- with God. When thou feeft the Heaven, fay, Where is that great Builder that made this ? When thou hearell of mutations of Kingdoms, fay, Where is the Lord ofYofts, the great Captain of thefe Armies ? When thou tafteft fweetnefs in the creature, or in Gods Ordinances, fay, Where is fweetrefs it beauty it felf ? Where is the Sea of theft drops, the Sunofthefe Beams ? Oh 1 that men faw this God, it's Heaven to behold him : hou art then in a corner ofHell, that cants not,doft not fee him, & yet what is lefs known ban God ? Me thinks, whenmen hear there is a God about them, they fhould lie grove. 'jug in the dull, becaufe ofhis glory : Ifmen did fee him, they would fpcakofhim ; Who peaks of God?Nay,men cannot fpeak toGod; but as beggers have learned tocant, fo many a man to pray. Ohmen fee not God in prayer, therefore they cannot fpcak to Godby Prayer. Men fin, end God frowns, (which makes the Devils to quake ) yet mens hearts (hake not, becaufe they fee him not. Vfe 3. Oh make choice of this God as thy ,life 3. God. '