10 The Senoore Convert. --- There is a, God. What thoigh therebe a God,if _ i-t - b--e -- not Gd, o illy God, what art thou the better ? docin ,...."--so Make With all thy Idol gods, and let up this Geyd: If choice of there be any creature that ever did thee any God for good, that God fet not a work for thy good, Eby God, love that,think on that as thy God. If there be any thing that can give thee any fuccour on thy death-bed,or when thou art departed from this world, take that to be thy God. Thou mighteft bave been born in India and never have heard the true God, but worshipped the Devil for thy -God': Oh therefore make choice of him alone to be thy God ; give away thy fell wholly and for ever to him,and he wil give away his whole fell everiallingly unto thee. Seek him weeping, and thou fhalt find him. Wind thy fell by the firongeil Oaths and bonds in Covenant to be his, and he willenter into Covenant with thee, and lo be thine,7er.50.3 4,5. tire 4 The fourth Ilk is,an life ofcomfort to them that forfake all for this God : thoù hail not. loft all for nought, thou hail not cart away Eibaance for fhadows, but fhadows for fome- what ., Prov.8. i 8. When all comfort is.gone there is a God to comfort thee. When thouEaft no reil here, there is arto refi in : When thou art dead, hecan quicken thee ;when thou art, weak he is firong ; and when friends are gone, he will be a lure one to thee. Thus muchof the ail part ofthis Doftrine -or divine Truth, That there is a God : Now it followed] to thew you,that this God is a moll os loriow God,and that in four things he is glo- rious. T. In