Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

The Sincere Convert. 2 5 int,hearing,1$; forrorriny,-,but GOD thy nudge Manmade ham heavy things to lay to thy charge, before ii a blel- fed diate. whom thou (halt (hornywith dread appear. 3. The pininL and devout byeacrite that being purfued withe reir o hell, goesfur- Ezek 3 t Eller, and labours for just fo much holinefs as 10. will fave him only, and carry him to Heaven Many rnen at !aft. Hence the young man in the Goifiel labour for came with that great queflion toCbrifio,vhich muchho- many unfound hearts come with to Minifters now, What he flionld do to inherit eternal lire'? will lave Thefe people fet up fuch a man in their Ithem. thoughts to be a very honeft man ' and'one doubdefs that fhall be faved, and hence they will take him to be their copy and Sampler,and labour to do as be doth, and to live juft as he lives, and to hold, opinions as he holds, and fo hope to be laved. The v_y_yilask vcr. in uifi- tively What is the 1eo mafureofar.iteand thdtmg,gfoinViiillik are not fuch as- humble them moft , but fuchas flatter thernbeftz,wherein they mayhear howwell good defires areaccepted ofby God ; which if they hear tobe of that virtue to fave them, God fnall be ferved only with good de- fires,& the Devil in their actions al their lives. Thus they ymake any thing ferve for God ; !Many men they labour not afterf much holinefs as will I would honour dirift, but after itift fomuch as will "c- bear their charges to Heaven, and fave them. To felves. For this is one of the greateft differ- i Chviit,bur , encebetwiihÌide of -GoTind to bear crite. In fiTeir o-bedienc-e,the one tikes updu_ thcich3r ties out of love to Chrif ; t, to have him and w Ilea- hence