30 The Sincere Convert, Mans mi- fery by his o of the for of Sobriety whoring, of Gd g y fall. -v-\2, Chag; ty ; but this fin darkens thevery Sun, defaces all the image ofGod,the glory ofman, The fin of and the glory of God in man ; this is the firff Adam de- fin ever did the mifchief. This fin like a Cap- faced all tain, bath gathered together all thole troops e of God.g and fwarms of fins that now take hold upon thee. Thank this fin for an hard heart thou fo much complaineft of; thank this fin for that The hai- hellifh darknefs that overfpreads thee. Zhis noufnefs hath raifedSatan, Death, Judgment, Hell, and of Adams. Heaven againft thee. f '' Oh confider thefe fins that are packt up in this r. Apofta-j evil. i . Fearful Ap?[lafe from God like a devil. fie. I2. Horrible Rebellion againft God in joining z.Rebelli- fides with the Devil and taking Gods mreatefI e- on. nemies part`againfr God. 3.WofulVnbelief,in tef. fufpetting Gods threats tobe true. 4. Fearful 4. Blaphe- Bl4hemy in conceiving the Devil ( Godsene- my. my andmans murderer) to be more true in his s. Pride, temptations,than God in his threatning. 5.Hor- rible Pride, in thinking tomake this fin ofeat- ing the forbidden fruit, to be a flep and a flair to rife higher,and tobe like God himfelf. 6. Con- ` 6. Fearful contempt of God, makingbold to tempt of rufh upon the fwordof the threatning fecretly, God not fearing the plague denounced. 7. in kful- nefa. 7. Horrible VnthankfulMefs,when God had given him all but one tree, and yet he ma} be fingring that too. S. Theft. 8. Horrible Theft,in taking that whichwas none ofhis own. 9.Idplatry. 9. Horrible Idol4trJ, indoting upon, and loving the creature more then God theCrea- tor,who is bleffed forever. You