Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

32 Mails mi- may fay, this is none ofGods ac`1 by hiS grace eery by his in the foul but pride and felt:love. Brings fall. deadman to the fire, and chafe him, and rub him, you may produce fome heathy this ex- ternal working upon him, but cake him from the fire again and he is loon cold : fo many a man that lives under a found Minifter, under the lathes and knock of a chiding, ftriving Confcience, he bath fome heat in him, fome affe6tions fome fears, fome delires, Some forrow furred, yet take him from theMini- fi<er, and his chafing Confcienee, and he grows cold again prefently, becaufe he wants an in- ward principle of life. (e 2, Which point might make us to take up a 7 V 2' bitter lamentation for everynatural man. It ation. is faid, Exod,T2. o. That there was a great cry in Egypt for there. was not an hosfewhere - in therewas not one founddead.0 Lord,in fome towns and families; what a world ofthefeare there? Deadhusband,dead wife,dead fervants, dead children , walking up and down with their fins, (as Fame faith fomemen do after death )with grave-cloaths about them ; and How every' God onely knows whether ever they than live Natural again or not. How do men lament the lots mulls of their dead Friends 1 Oh thou haft a pre- dead while tious foul in thy bofome ftark dead; there- he lives. fore lament thine eltate, and confider it feri- oufly. Firf'x, a dead man cannot fir, nor offer to fir; a wicked man cannot fpeak one good word, or do any good a&ion, if Heaven it felt did lieat the flake for doing it, nor offer The S tacere conve,t. i. Dead men can- not ftir. to '747X-1---