The Sinccre Convert. Mans mi,': to fhake off his fins., nor think one good fery by his thoírgItr. Irzdeed he may fpeak and think or tall. good things, but he cannot have ;odpeò, ches, rtor-. good thoughts ; as an fzoly man. may think ofevil things, as ofthe fins of the times,the thought of thafe evil things,is goods or evil;fo costra, Secondly, a dead man fears no dangers ., x , though never fo great, thougIx never fo near. men feu Let Minf}er.s being a natural man tydingsof4aodàr. the approach ofthe devouring plagues of God 'denounced, he fears them nor, Thirdly, a dead man cannot he drawn to 3 Dead cept of the heft- offers. Let Chrat corre out oF? n trhee Heaven , and fall about the rteck ofa naturali beiroífers. rttan, and with tears in bis eyes bcfeech hii4t to take his blood , hirnfclf, Eris Kingdom, and leave his fns; fie cannot receiveihis offer. Fourthly, a<iead man is iiark blind, and can 4. Dead fee nothinr, and ífarh deaf,and hearsnothing, m,e'l tóer iie.r he cannot tale any thing : fo 3 natural man ncr ,ee. is ilarik blind, be fees rro God, noCI}ri.fl:, no mar., S! wrath oftheAfmigtity, to glory ofHeaven; 37138ó He hears the voiceof a man, but he hears not the voice of God in a Sermon, He favotsrcth not the thi.x.r'.of,God.rSpsrQt. Fiftly, a dead man is fencelefs, and a=eels gio- :";:1 thing : forcaft enotantainsof fin upon a wicked nun la man, he feels no hurt untillt;he 'flames ofjiéll fcnficts. break out upon him. Sixthly, a.dead man is a fpeechlefs rr;a.uyíh,e men are cannot fpeak ufzl6fs it be like a Parrec. fpeechle(s. Seventhly,lle is a man ; a natural Dead man may lay d prayer, or devife a prayer out merare y y n bi«fhcfs. 33