Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

The Sgnce, e Converti every pieceofhis foul is full offih ;their hearts are bundles offin:hence Solcrot; faith,Foolin2- nefs is borasd op in the heart of a child; whole treafures of fin. An evil man(faithChrift) oat of the evil treafure ofhis heart, 6ringethforth evil thinir.r;nay,raging fens of fin.. The tongue isa world ofmifchief.W hat is the heart then For out of the abenda,sce of the heart thr', tongue jpeal ethi:: f© that lookabout thee & fee, whatever fin is broached, and runs out of any (TOMS hears into his life through the whole world, all thofe fans are in thine heart; thY inigd is a nefl ofal the foul Opinions,Here lies, that ever were vented by any man;thy heart is a oinking fin..khoie'óf all Atheifine, Sodomy, Bfafphemy, Murder, Whoredome, Adultery, Witchcraft,Buggery; fo that if tl u haft any good, thing in thee, it is but as a drop ofKok- water in a boul of poyfon ; where fallen, all corrupted. It is true, thou feeleft not all there things furring in theeat one time, no 'more than II:- -tail thought he was or íhould be fuck a blood- fucker, when he asked the Prophet E1:fl a it ailc Ott he were a Dog; but they are in thee like a neíl! of Snakes ' in an old hedge. Although they break not out into thy life, they lie lurking in thy heart, they are there as a filthy puddle in a barrel, which runs not out, becaufe thou, happily wanteft the temptation oroccauon toll broach and tap thineheart,or becaufe ofGods rellraininggrace by Fear,Shame, Fdwcat.i®n, I and,g,od Company, thou art reffrained and bridled up ; and therefore whenone came t D z comfort 35 Mans m- fery by his fall. Ira. s®, Jam.3.6.