Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

zf , $:.°` 47 3 1,1 rris. mi- fery by, kis fill. Francis i sTira. , r.cLL fbr:. The Ssxcere eexvcrt. comfort that famous picture ,; pattern and monument ofGods juflice by fevenyears hor- rour,and grievous darefs of confcience: when one told him be never had committed fuch fins'` as Nanafi'es, and therefore he was not the greateft firmer fince the creation, as hecon- ceived ; he repiyed, that he fhould hav ebeen work than every MMan fJes was ifhe had li- ved in his time, and been on histhrone. Mr. Bradford would never have loockt upon any ones lewd life with one eye, but he would prefently returnwithin his own breaft with the other eye, and fay, In this myvile breafi remains thatfin,which without Gods file vial grace, I flould have committed as well au he. Oh me "thinks this might pull down men_ proud conceits of themfelves, efpccially fuch as bear np and comfort themfelves in their fmooth, horn-A, civil life, fuch as through edu- cation have been wailed from all foul fins, they were never tainted with whoredome (wearing, drankennefs, or prophanefs; & here they think themfelves fo fafe;that God cannot find in his heart to have a thought of4anining them. . Oh confider of this point, which may crake theepull thine lair from thine head, and turn thy cloaths to'fackcloth,and runup and down with amazement and palenefs in thy face, and horrour- in thy confcience, and tears in thine eyes. What though thy lifebe fmooth, what though thy ontfzde, thy fcpulchre be painted? Oh thou art full ofrottennefs, offin within._ Guilty, not beforemen, as the fins of thy life make