Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

4$ Mans naE- fery by his fall. Sorge men chink God beholding co them r any goad aeti- on. The Sincere Convert. portr#rity ; and fo be fare thou (halthave no- thing if thou dolt not Peek : What though thou art a Dog, yet thou art alive, and art for the prefent under theTabi.e. Catch not at Chrift, fnatch not at his bread, but wait till God give thee him;it may be,thou mayft have him one day. Oh wonder thenat Gods pati- ence, that thou liveft one day longer, who haft all thy life time, like a filthy toad, fpit thy venome in the f ce of God, that he bath never been quit of thee : Oh lookupon that black bill that will one day be put in againil thee at the great day ofaccount, where thou mu{t anfwor with flames of fire about thine ears,not only for thy drunkennefs, thy bloody Oathes and whoring, but forall the ations of thy íhort life, and juf} fo many actions, fo many fins.. Thou haft painted thy faceover now witi1 good ditties and good defires ; and a little honefty amonget forte men, is of that worth and rarity,that they think God is beholding to thern,ifhe can get anygood action froth. But when thy painted face (hall be brought before the fire ofGods wrath, they, thy vilenefs !hall appear before Men and Angels. Ohknow it that as thou dolt nothing elfebut fin, fo God heaps up wrath againft the dreadful day of wrath. Thus much for mans milery in regard of Now followeth his rnifery in regard of the costfequeNts or miferies that follow upon fin. , And thefe are. I. Pre-