Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

A tlii.kdev ii?,. Zi, r. ti,s1;. zt, t i tn.- 44, ,2i.-4 tii ''-t J V` -/.., -6, .v. To the Clirif1ian READ E :-:" N thefe evil andperillous timer, Godbath not left us without force choice mercies.dkrfins abou7,d,and his merices fuper-abound. The Lord might jfly haye fpoken thofe words ofdeath againfl us,which of oldhe did aging the ?ews, i have taken away my peace from this people, loving kindnefs and mercies, which had hepulled from us we had caufe enough tó mourn with Radel,and to refufe comfort; for all our hstppinefs lies wrapt up in pe;lce, loving kindnefs andmercy. But God l'skjet goodun- to Tfrael(Pfal.73. I.) he commands deliverancesforJacob, (Pfai. 44. 4. ) he over-ruler all thepowers ofdtrknefs, (,,Pi-a1.76.10.) and tells thefans ofBelial, (men of corrupt minds, and curledpraCtife, ) that they fhall procerd no ! further, but that their folly fhall be manifell unto all (2 rin4.3.839.)Hi makes all enemies, Devils,allcreft- tures,to further his own glory ,send the goodof hir peculiar people. When times are naught anddangerous, hefaith, Come mypeople, enter into thy chambers, and flaut thy doors about thee,hide thy felf as it were for a little mo. ment, till the indignationbe over-paild/fai 26.1o.) if troubles threaten life,hefaith,When thOupaffefi through j the waters I will he with thee,and through the rivers they not overflow thee ; when thou walkeft thròugh the Ere,thou fhalt not bebUrnt,neither Pnall the flames kindle upon thee ; for I am the Lord thy God, &c. when enemies are incenfed,fear and forroves multiplyed, be faith, Fear thou not, for I amwith thee, be not dif- mayed, for I am thyGod, I will ftrengthen thee, I will help thee, yea I will uphold theewith the right hand of Az TEA