The Sincere Convert, 5 means after death to reflore them there is no rayn:yT,Iis. friend to perfwade no Minifier to preach, tail. by which faith is wrought, and men get into Chrift ; there is no power of returning Or re- for by penting then : for night is come, and theday death all is paft. means are cut Again thepunifhment is fo heavy, that they off After death can onely bear wrath,fo that all their thoughts all the and affecions are taken up with the burden. tlifòt the And therefore Dives cries out, am torment- ed. Oh that the confideration of this point wicked are taken up might awaken every fecure firmer I What with the will become of thine immortal foul when thou burden of art dead ? Thou fayft, I know not, I hope well. wrath. Itch! thee therefore that which may fend thee mourning to thy houfe, and quaking to thy grave, if thou dyell in this eftate, thou fhalt not die like a Dog, nor yet like a Toad ; but after death comes judgement ; then farwell friends when dying ; and farwel God for ever, when thou art dead. Now the Lord open your eyes to fee the ter-1 The terror rours of this particular judgement .; which if of mans ' you could fee , ( unleffe you were mad) it particular wouldmake you fpend whole nights and days judgement in feeking to let all even with God. I will (hew you briefly the manner and na- ture of it in thefe particulars. T. Thy foul flhall be draggedout of thybo- %The foul dy, as out of a (linking prifon , by the Devil flragged the Jaylour, into fome place within the bow- b"riie els of the third Heavens, and there thou (bait ftand fiript of all friends, all comfort, all crea- tures, before the prefence of God, Loke 9. 27. E 2 afg