Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

The Sincere Coivert. 5 5 they ilia!' be-araigned. and coodemned before mans ['cr h the great Tribunal feat of Jefus Chrifl, 7xde f y by is 14. 15. 2 Cor. 5. 1o. The hearingof judge- ment to come, made Felix to tremble ; no- thing of more efficacy to awaken a ecure fin- ner, then fad thoughts of this fiery day. But thou wilt ask me, How It may be proved, obicti. that there will fuch a day? I anfwer , Gods inflice calls for it : this Anr,. , world is the flage where Gods pati Why here ence and' bounty aft their parts, and hence every man will profeffe and conceive, becaufe he feels it, i6,e,,t that God is merciful! but Gods 74ice is quellioned, men think God to be ail mercy, and no jullice ; all honey, and no fling ; now the wicked profper in all their ways, are never punithed, but live and die in peace, whereas the godly are daily afEi6ted and reviled. Therefore becaufe this Attribgte fuffers a to- tall eclipfe almofl now, there mull come a day wherein it mull thine out before all the world in the glory ()fit, 'km. 2. 5. The fecond reafon is from the gloryof Chriil: he was accufed, arraigned, condemned by men therefore he fhall be the Judge of them, 7ohn 5. 27. for this is an ordinary piece of Gods providence towards his people, the fame evil he cafls them into now, he exalts them into the contrary good in his time. As the Lord bath a purpofe to make yofeph Ruler over all Egypt,but firfl he maketh him a flave.Godhad a meaning to make Chria judge ofmen,there- fore firft he fuffers him to be judged of men. QL:eft. But when 'ball thisjudgemcnt dig be? oke8 E 4 Anf.i 9