56 rtfans mi-s fery Si hi Anfw. Though we cane o tell toe day and Call. hour particularly, yet this we are fure of, that when;all the Elec` are called, for whofe fake nfw; the'Wórld (lands, Ifai..1. g. when thefe pil- When all tars are taken away, then 'wo to the World theeea as when Lot was taken 'out of Sodom, then thenwloeto, Sodom was burnt. Now it is not probable the world. that this rime will come as yet s for firif, An- Lot being tichrif muff be confumed , and not onely ore So- the fcattered viirbie Jews; but the wholebo- d- of the I raelite.r muf} firf} be called, and baarnt, have a glorious Church upon earth, Eze37. This glorious Church, Scripture and Reafon will enforce, which when it is called (hall not be expired as loon as 'cis born, but (hall con- tinuemany'. year. Objeíf. Q2eft. But howflail this judgement be ? Anf. The Apollle defcr-ibes it, i T'hef. 4. The man - 16, 17. ner of the r.0hriti fhall break out of the third Heaven, last judge- and bè teen in the air, before any dead arife ; the;"' and this (hall be with an admirable fhout, as tChift co gyres, when a King cometh to triumph- among his fubjeds. and over his enemies. Z. Th3 2. Then (ball the voice of the Arch -Angel Arch An- be heard : now this Arch-Angel is Jefus Chriir gels vo cc huiifelf,as the Scripture expounds, being in the heard. clouds of Heaven ; he (ball with an' audible, Heaven- fhaken fhout fay , Rife you dead and come to joagemcnt, even ais he called to Laza- rus, Laz,arrur arife. The 3 . 1 hen theTrump fhall blow, and even as ! 'n um? at the givingof the Law, Exod. 19. its laid, blows, the Trumpet founded, much more louder fhall it ,The Sry,zcere Convert- f(f