Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

To the Reader. my righteoufnefs. Behold all they that were incenfed qa.inft thee,fhali he a fhamed, and conced, they fhalt be as nothing, and they that ftrive wi ce fhall perifb1 If'ai r. Suchwords ofcomfort and life doth God 'peak unto his. A4damong other mercies he ftirrs up a); ffiirits of his fervants to write many preciotis truths an contrarti,tofurther theeverlafiinggQodof his belovedones. lfthe bortomlefs pit-be open,, 47:dfrnoak rile thence, to darken. the aireandobfcure the way ofthe Saints,Rev.5.1 2. Heaven al lo is opened, Rev .1 I. 19. and there are ' Fs and voices to enliohtert their Vrits,anddire their paths. Had ever any age ruch ligtnings as we have ? Did ever any [peak, fince Chrifi andhis Apeles, as men now fpe4? We may truly and fafelyfay ofour Divines n Writers, The voice ofGod,and not ofman.,Siech-Abainei-1 ance ofthe Spirit bath God poured into fome men,that it,is, not they, but the Spirit of theFather that jpeakr in them. What infinite caufe 11.1tIo this a,(.re to acknowledge theMT' #eakablemercy of God, in affording'us finchplenty ofjyiri- tual Traaates, full ofDivine, sneceffary, and confriencei fearchingtruths,yea preciousfout-comforting,& foul proving truths?fuch whereby Head,heart,andSoul cheat- ing errours are difcovered,andprevented;fach 44. foundlj: difference true grace from'alfeemings and paintings. Na time, no Nation, exceeds us hereln,andfbAll we that a- bound in truths,,be penurious in praifes?Confider,keader; whetherfhiritual truths be not worthy of thy choiceff p7,41-. , ifes. EveryDivine truth is one ofGods eternal thoughts,ieS heaven born,and bears the Image ofGod.Tru:h is thegib:. ' ry ofthe racred Trinity., klencc the Spirit is called Truth; PI r 70h.5.6.`Chrift as calledTruth,70h. a 4.9.andGod him7 reifisfaid tobe theOodof truth,Deu. 32.4. It isfodelighilt, fid to frim,that his eyes are ever upon the Truth,7er.5.1 .1'' and when the only wife God would have men make a pt-; .......r.marameram,momem........,........... ehAfe