-o `- -..,. -^y..,-;;::. Y++-,- `Y«?:..`.r..`..-ì:w-} ,...nvrrcc..r.+'-- ...ar v.. i 60 Mans I'M and fcofr at Gods Minifters and profiler, ab tfeaqry by hts' borre the powerand pradife ofReligion, as ,a , too precife courte, and profper ; yet know it, there will a day come, when thou (halt meet with a dreadful! judge, a doleful! fen- tence. Now is thy day of 'finning, but God will have fhortly his day of condemning. 5. When the Cudgement day is done then V. the fearful! wrath of God {hall be poured out, Gods and piled upon their bodies and fouler, and bepoured the breath of the Lord like a ,ftream of out bo- brimfcone !hall kindle it, and here thou Malt dy and lie burning, and nose that! ever quench it. °ni This is the execution of a firmer after judge- , meet, Rev. 2 r . 8. Where in Now this wrath of God confiits su there confiffsthe things. wrath of God. I. Thy foul lu all be banifhed from,the face, I. Abfence and bleffed fwcet preferce of God andChrifl, from Code and thou !halt never fee the face of Godmore. It isfaid 3f11s 20. that they wept Pre , becaufe they f ould fee Pauls face nomore. Oh, thou thàlt never fee the face of God Chrift, Saints and Angels more. Oh, heavy. doom to famifh and pine away for ever without one bit ofbread to comfort tthee, one fmiie ofGod to refrefh thee ! Men that have their fores running upon them, mull be thutup from the pretence of men found and hole. Oh , thy finnes like plague- fores, run on thee, there- forethou.muft befhut out like a Dog from the pretence of God and all his people, z. Coda zThef r. 9. cor funung lire. God !hall fet himfelf like a confuming o infinite The Si tcere Convert . :I