Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

_;.r_ .._:3:^..a... __.._._ The Sincere Convert. 1 6i infinite fire againft thee, and tread thee under ; Mans his feet, who haft by fin tròd him& `his for fery by his y gl y' +all. under foot all thy life. A man may devile ex- quifite torments for another, and great pow- er may make a little flick to lay on heavy ftrokes : but great power ftirred up to ftrike from great fury and wrath, makes the ftroak deadly : I tell thee, all the wifdom of God' than then be fet againit the to devife tor- rents for thee, Mich. 2. 3. There .was ne "; - ver fuch wrath felt or conceived, as,the Lord bath devifed againft thee,, that live .and dyell in thy natural ellate : hence it is called rxrath to come, r Theft. t. silt. The torment which wifdome foal! devife, the Altni ',hty power of God (hall ingic`f upon thee,'fo as there was ne- ver Inch power ken in making, the world, as in holding a poor creature under this wrath ,that holds up the foul in being with one hand, and beats it with the other,ever burning like fire a- gainft a creature, and yet that creature never burnt up, Rom.9..2z.Think not this crueity,it's juflice; what cares God for a vile wretch, whom nothing can makegood while it lives ? Ifwe have been Fong in hewing a block, and; we can make no meet veffel of it, put it to no good ufe for our'felves, we caft it into the, fire : God heweth thee by Sermons, f ekj efs, lofJes, and'crores, fodden death, mercies and miferies yet nothing makes the better ; what Mould God do with thee, but caii thee hence ? Oh, confider ofthis wrathbefore you feel it. I had rather have all the world burn- ingabout my ears, than to have one blaft- ing