-. ;._' -s._.a-.'.;,.. _._ %> `3. 6z ._,:... The Sincere Convert. Ufa ns mi- ing frown from thebleffed face of an infinite a v by his and dreadful God. Thou calla notendure the r. :ì torments of a little Kitchin fire on the tip Men were of thy finger not one half hour together : !1.tter have how wilt thou bear the fury of this infinite, he world endleffe confuming fire in body and foul urn about throughout all eternity ? J1,cn a, The never-dingworm of a guilty ,,cn ;o have 3 Y zz g con - one frown fcience (Mall torment thee as if thou haddl 'rorn Gods (wallowed down a living poyfonfull fnake '`e which (hall lie gnawing and biting thine hear :f nice for fin pal}, dayand night. And this worm i ncver-dy., thall torment by (hewing the caufe of thy mi- t,; worm. fery, that is, that thou didft never care for him that would have Paved thee. By thew- ing thee allo thy fins a ainft the Law,by fhew- ing thee thy (loath, whereby thy happinefs is loft Then (hall thy confcience gnaw to think fomany nights I went to bed without prayer, and fo many dayes and hours I fpent in feafting and foolifh fporting. Oh, if I had (pent half tba 'ttime, now mifpent, in praying, in mourning,inmeditation, yonder in Heaven had 'been. By (hewing thee alfo the means that thou once had( to avoid this mifery ; Such a TvSinifier I heard once, that told me of my particular fins, as if he had been toldof me ; fuch a friend perfwaded me once to turn over a new leaf : I remember fo many knocks God gave at this Iron heart of mine, fo many mercies the Lord lent ; but oh, no meanes could prevail with me. Lafly, by {hewing thee how eafily thou mighteft have avoided all thefe miferies. Oh, once I was almoft per- fwaded