Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

._- :,3-44-4 ,. 64 Mans mi- fery by his fall. Cr'îr° 6.Blafphe- ming and curing for ever. R4iCery in- compaffeth chore in He[(. The Sincere Convert. 6. Thou (halt vomit out blaf..phemous' oathes and tortes in the face of God the Fa- ther for ever, and curie God that never elec`- ed thee, andcurie the Lord Jefns that never flied one drops of bloud to redeem thee, and curie God the holy Ghoff that patted by thee and never called thee, Rev. r 6. 9. And here thou{halt lie and weep, and gnafh .thy teeth in fpight againf}God and thy felf;and roar,and fiamp, and grow mad, that there thou muf} lie under the curfe of God for ever. Thus (I fay) thou (halt lie blafpheming, with , Gods wrath like a pileof fire on thy foul burn- ing, and floods, nay feas, nay more, feas of tears ( for thou (halt for ever lie weeping) fhall never quench it. And here which way focver thou looker} thou (halt fee matter of everlai}ing grief. Look up to Heaven , and there thou {halt fee. (Oh) that God is for ever gone. Look about thee, thou {halt fee Devils quaking , curling God ; and thou- fands, nay millions offinfull, damned creatures crying and roaring out with dolefull (briek- ings- : Oh the day that ever I was born 1 Look within thee, there is a guilty confcience gnaw- ing, Look to time pal} ; Oil thofe golden days of grace and fweet feafons of' mercy are quite lòíì, and gone 1 Look to time to come, there thou fbalt behold evils, troops and fwarms of forrows, and woes , and raging waves, and billows of wrath coming- roaring tpon thee. Look to time prefent, Oh' not onehour or moment ofcafe or refrefhing;bite all curies meet together, and feedingupon one poor