Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

The Sincere Convert. - poor loft immortal foul, that never can be re- 1\4' fery by kis covered again ! No God, no Cbrift, no SPi- falL rit to comfort thee no Minifter to preach unto thee, no friend to wipe away thy con- tinual reart, noSun to thine upon thee, not a bit of bread, not one drop of water to cool thy tongue. This is the mifery of every naturali man. Now do not thou fbitt it from thy felf, and fay, God is mercifol. True, but it is t, very few, as fhall be proved. 'Tis a thoufAnd tootle ifever thoube one ofthat frnall numbe.r.whom God bath picked out to el:cape this wrath to' come. If. thou doft,not get the Lord Jefus to bear this wrath, farwel God, Orin, and Gods mercy for ever. If Chrift had fhed feas of bloud, feu thine heart at ref}, there is not onedrop of it for thee, until thou comfit to fee, and feel, and groan under this miferi- hie effate. I tell thee Chrift. is lo farre from faving thee, that he is. thine enemy. If Chrift, were here and fhould fay, Fiere is my blOud for thee , if thou wilt but lie down and mourn under the burthen ofthy mifery, and yet for all his leeches, thy dry eyes weep not, thy flout heart yeilds not, thv hard heart mourns not, as to fay ; Oh! I am a filkfull, loft, condemned, curfed, dead crea- ture wIlat ilia!! I do ? 1)of1 not think but Le would turn away his face from thee, and fay, Oh ! thou flony, hard hearted creature wouldft thou have me fave thee from thFmir fery, and yet thou wilt not groan, filth and mourn for deliverance tome, out ofthymile: E - ry ? winOW