The Sincere Cenv.ert. C hrift our and doll thou negle&naydefpife it ? Know it,! only Re- that this will cut thine heart one day , when. Cleaner. rho art hanging, in thy gibbets in hell , to fee the neg_ others flanding at Gods right hand, redeemed le& of bur by Chrifl; thou mighteii have had (hare in dslfveravce their honour : for there. vas a Deliverer come by Ghriít, to fave thee , ou yelling thou wouldíl have noneof acut ;itche will prone. l,im. Oh th wilt lie in lift day. flingburnings,and tear thy hair,and c irfe thy felf : From hence might I have been deliver- ed, but I.would not.. Hath Chrift delivered thee from Hell, and bath, he not delivered thee from thine Ale-houfe ? Hath Chrili delivered 'thee from Satans fociety, when he bathnot de- livered thee from thy loofe company ? yea, HathChrifl delivered thee from burning,when thy faggots,thy fins, grow in thee ? Is Chril}s blood thine,that makeí} no more account ofit, nor feelef} no more vertue from. it,than in the blood of a chicken? Art thou redeemed ? do- eft thou hopeby Chrifl to be Paved, that didit never fee, nor feel, nor filth under thy bon- dage ? Oh I the devilswill keepholy-day (as it were) in Hell,in refpea of thee, who (halt mourn under Gods wrath , and lament. Oh there was a means to deliver us out of it , but thou (bait mourn for ever for thy mifery.And this will be a Bodkin at thine heart oneday, to think there was ,a Deliverer But I wretch would none of him. Vre ;: Here likewife is matter of reproof to fuch Ofreproof as leek to come out of this rnifery, front, and by themfelves. If they be ignorant they hope to be faxed by their goodmeaning andpray- ers.