The Sincere Convert. 71 C tri3 our ers. civil,b Y paying all they owe, and do- only Re- ing as they wouldbe done by,and by doing no dceme,. body any harm. If they be troubled about their efiates then they, lick themfelves whole by their mourning, repenting and reforming. Oh poor Hubble 1 canal thou íland before this corifuming fire without fin? Cantl thou make thy felf a Chrifl for thy Pelf? canal thou bear and come from under an infinite wrath? cans thou bring in per et`l righteoulnefs into the pretence of God ? This ChriPt mull do,elfe he could not fatisfie and redeem. And if thou canal not do thus,and haft no Chrift, desire and pre that Heaven and earth íhake till thou haft worn thy tongue to the Rumps , endra- vonr as much as chorr-canft and others com- mend thee for a diligent Chriflian; mourn in fome wilderrefs till dooms day, dig thy i:rave there with thy nails , weep buckets full of hourly tears,till thou canal weep no more,f4 and pray till thy skin and bones cleave toge- ther; promife and purpofewith full refolution, robe better; nay,reform thy head, heart, life and tongàe,and fome,nay all fins ; live like an Angel, Thine like a Sun, walk up and down the world like a dif}re%d Pilgrim , going to ano- thercountry , fo that all Chrillians commend and admire thee; die ten thoufand deaths, lie at the fire-back in hell fo many millions of years as therebe piles of g'rafs on the earth, or lands upon the Sea !bore , or liars in Heaven, or motes in the Sun ; I tell thee,nor one fpark of Godswrath againfl thy fin,fhall be, call be quenched by all thefe duties nor by any of, F thefe