Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

_ Chrift our only Re- deemer. Prov. a. 2 2. An re. Objelf. A itifiv Chrift ciliacfr ,one that d -.lire to corm unto hirn The Sincere Convert. mean and weak perfons here, that he migh.: confound thepride of flea" the more. Where it pleated" him to make his choice, and to ex- alt his mercy, he paffeth by no degree of wit, though never to "incapable. But thou wilt fay, I am an enemy to God, and havea heart fo ftuborn and loth to yeeld; have vexed him to the very heart by my tranf- greffiong. Yet hebefeecheth thee to be reconciled. Put cafe thou haft been a firmer, and rebellious a- gainft God, yet fo long asthou art not found amongft malicious oppofers, and underminers of his truth never give way to defpairing thoughts tnou haft a mercifull Saviou.. But I have defpifed the means of reconcilia- tion, and rejedmercy. Yet God calls thee to return ; Thou haft plaid the harlot withmany lovers, yet rmrn a- goin to me faith the Lord, ?er. 3 . i. cat} thy Pelf into the arms Of Chrifl, and if thou pe- rifh, perifh there, if thou dofl not, thou art fure to perifh. if mercy be to be had any where ' it is by feeking to Chrift , not by turnii g from him. Herein appears Chrifis love to thee, that he hazh given thee a heart in fome degree fenfible ; he might have given thee up to Lrdnefre,fecnrityond prophannefs; ofall fpirituall judgement's the greaceft. But he tht,t died for his enemys,will in no wife refufe thofe, the defire ofwhole foul i9 towards him. When the Prodigal fec himfelf to return to his fa- ther, his father ftaies not for him, but meets him in the way. Ifour fins dif kale us the all