Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

lhe Sincere, Convert. 79 fomewhat to fay and preach for their living : Chrift our There was a good plain Sermon to day, deethe clew mcr r. man feems to mean Well , but I think hebe no great Scholar ; and fo makes no more of the offer of Chrift then of the offer of a ftraw at their feet. if, a good bargain be offered them, theywill forget all their bufinefs to ac- complifh that; yet they make fight of this of- fer, Mat. zz. 5. Secomlly, The defperate Vnbeliever : that : The de. teeing his fins to be fo great , and feeling his fperatc urn Heart fo hard, and finding but little good from believer, ;od,fince he fought for help, (likeCain) ffy- ,w ch from theprefence of the Lord ; like a mad Lion he breaks his chains of reftraining grace, and runneth, roaring after his prey , after his cups,queans,lufts, &c. and fo will not honour Christ with fuch a great cure of fuch great tins , that he fhall never have thecredit of it, or will he be beholding to him for Inch kindnefs. Thirdly. The prefs mptuour Vnbeleiver: that ;.Thepre feeìng what fins he bath committed , and it unbeliever. crr may be having a little touch, and force forrow ever. nor his fins, catcheth at Chrift, hoping tobe fa- ved by himbefore ever he come tobe loaden .with fin as the greatefi evil , or Gods wrath kindled againfi him as his greateft curie ; and fo catching at Chrif},hopes he bath Chrift, and hoping he bath Chrift already,íhuts out Chrift for the,and fo rejets him,Mié.h.3.'1 I. You (hall have thefe men and women corn- pla in never of the want,but only ofthe weak- neÀs of their faith, and they will not be beaten off