2. 3. 4. Awholefnie Caveat were in annzhar bed, oh then they fhould be Welly but they muff firft be cured of their difeafe. 4. Make ute ofliberries. He that hath them`,' but fees not fo much glory in theta, or gets not Much gdod from them; he will be no more thankfull than one that hath large grounds may walk at liberty, bile the trees for want of manuring bear no fruic,nor ground corn through floth; fuck a man will Starve there. Lookas they, ,Merit. 15.5 , i`ó, .r r. they were to'bring'theJrfp fruits, ànd prefent them before the Lord, and repoyce in all fo fhould you if ever you be thankfull for thrill,' bring the firtt fruits to the Lord, and think there is more behind, and more in hea- ven. E3bjetf.; But our outwa4ffeei;hts are inany,andtemptc:ti- onsfad. Aufw If Chrift himfelf'fhould come on earth, what would you have wi h him ?` would you have him came and let up an earthly Paradife ? would you have better entertainment than he, whohad not that which Foes and Birds had ? or would you have him come from his Croffe, arid, then you will make himKing' ? ifyoudefpife his ordinances and liberties becaufe ofwants, you would defpife himfelf'if he were preienc. But you will reply and fay, " What if we can leave both ? if that can `be, and Chrift tats to take both, refufe not his love. But it may be an heavy indictment againft fome at the daft 'day, that they forfake Chrift, becaufe he is poor and naked ; for they are therefore'called tocloath him : and this will be your Peace, and you will be no lofers your felvcs ano- ther day. 2. Suppofe he Bothkeep us low ; yet Pfal. 145. t 3,14. His dominion is alway, and raifeth up all that are bowed down. Oh be humbled ; he is laid, Pout. 3 2. i 3', to make. the people fuclz,honey out of the rock, and oyi out of the flint,` fweetneffe and mercy out of the hardeft condition. 3. They that are not recompenced for their enjoy ment of liberties, by the fpirituall refrefhings which the Lord gives, (hewing them more of their own hearts; the Lord `proclaims liberty to them to depart. I am per- fwaded the whole Countrey would flourith the more. 4. Lament rather your own vileneffe,who in the midi ofall mercy; know not how to de, but abufe our liber- ties : and hoc the Lord forfakes us, as EKKa 9. 8, to,` z. What grape bath beenfbewedu's ? what (?;all ere /ay,thar after