Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4500 .S43 1657

for a time ofLiberty. 'r. They fay they are unworthy ; and hence they fay, De- parr frommee Lord, I am a finfull man ; as ifGods grace' was built on mans worthineire. 2. Becaufe unhumbled, whereas Gods grace calls in men unhumbled. Rev.8.17, 18. For Gods call and offer is generall though nonebut the humble will hearken to ir. But there arenone, but it may he laid to them 3 If they can believe, let them. 3. Becaufe Chrifi is not theirs, & are they bound to be- lieve he is ' Whereas the firft at of faith, is not to be- lieve Chrifi is, then men were hound to believe a lie. But to receive Chrifi as a woman her husband, that he may be mine by faith ; and fo a man may know and fay, he is mine. The Gofpell Both no where fay to any man, Chrifi is thine ; but if thou receive him, he is thine; and confegu.:nrly the Spirit fpeaks fo alfo. 4.Be- caufe they cannon believe, unleffe they fhould prefume ; as if the Gofpell bound the confcience of none to believe, but them that were able to believe it, and receive Chrift in it : yer'tis otherwife : for it binds all to receive Chrift jefus ; to go tip andpoffeffe him, to feed, eatand drink,: and live for ever. And I will leave this one undeniable argument; if men are liable to eternall condemnation at the great and lafl day, and to bear the eternal Wrathof God. and Chrifi alto, for difobeying the Gofpell, for re- fúfing Chrift and the offer ofhis grace therein : Then thole Mess confiences are bound to obey the Gofpell;i.e. to believe and receive Chrifi now in this life. But all that have the Gofpell preached to them, are liable to eternal' condemnation, for difobedience to it. John 3.18r 19. Pfal. 2. 12 . KifJ'e the Son, left he be angry. So, 2 Thef. 2. 8, 9. He comes to render vengeance on them that obey not the Gofpell. Rom. f. i ú. The Lord fall judge the fecrets ofall hearts by my Gofpell. That is, where ever the Go- fpell comes; for they that have rio law, having no law fhall not be judged by it : But men that have had the Go. fpell, (hall be judged by it, and therefore are bound too- bedience thereunto. The ferious confederationof which one truth,is enough to draw all to Chrifi from the power of unbelief; efpecii ally they that fay, I cannot, or ought not believe. For thereafon whymen do not come, is, r. They think the Gofpell concerns not them ; what cloth the Lord fay tome, come fo vile,.. and finfull? yes= that he loth ; if there was no filch law;. nor tranfgrefiiòa or condemnation. G 1. They 83 H. M6't-K.rtes.t.trsss .r.e'a.--7 ..... ___ .._.... ..i.., r.'v '