Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4500 .S43 1657

bfinefelual Hearing the WI d. upon his Harp, and Minifters' preach fweet things, but as foon as the Mulck is done, the evill Spirit returns, I fay you never heard the Lords voyce. The peace and joy of the Lord enters into Eternity, and the Apvfile ex- pref.!), cats him an unlrraitarll hearer, fames r. 2; that fees bis face andforgets bimfelf. A gracious,heartcan fay, This peace 'hail go to heaven; and joy, and love, and fear, it's part dermal! glory. 3. The voyce of the Lord comes not only thus par- ticularly, and with eternal efficacy, but with Inch e*yica cy ascarries unto, and centers in Chrift ; fo'ris here : For him whom God hash feat, you believe not. John 6. 41. They fhall be taught of God : wherein dotti that appear they (hall hear, and learn fo as to come to me; if the law humbles them, it's fuch a humblingas drives diem unto Chrift, poor and undon, Rom r o.4. itthe word gives peace to them, 'ris fuch a peace, which at the Taft they find in Chrift,Eph. 2. 17,1 8.with t4. i it live hutily,it lives unto Chrift,not meerly as to God, and to quiet conlcienc ,u;rto a Creator, as Adam, bur for Chrifts fake. 2 Cor. 5. 14è 15. We judge that if we were dead, and Chrift dyedfor'usf wefhoufd then live unto him; if they grow upby the word, 'tis in Chrift, 41).4.14. though Chrift he not mentioned, yet it is ftrange tofee, let the word fpeak what it will, whether terrour ; Oh my needof Chrift ! mercy and grace;Oh the love ofChrift !oh the blood of Chriftl corn mand ; oh that I may live to honour Chrift, and wr ng him no more ! Duties; Oh the eafie yoke of Chrift ! T ley look upon the whole word rightly difpenfed as the bride- - grooms voice, and truly his wordsare fweet For a-man may have fome fuch fear, reformation, af- feftion, as may continue, but never carryhim out of him- Ofunto Chrift. The Pharifees knew the law, were very exalt even till their death,prolted as Paullaid he did;yet they had not the word abiding in th `rn ; becaufe no driven out of thenifelves to Chrift,to reft there'. Hence when men fhall hear many things, bsuvo what end do you hear, or what vertue have the things you hear ? Do they only pleafe fancy for a time ? or do you hear to increafe your knowledge &parts ; or doyou heat for cuftome and company, and toquiet confcience ? or are you affeted and funk, but not driven by all ro lay8 thy headon Chrift? the Lord never fpake yet to thee; when the-wordbath laid you on this foundation, truly it's office H is 97