Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4500 .S43 1657

OfIneffet#ualHearing theWord. that a mans heart is fet on fornething clic befides the word of the Lord, that it is not my happineffe to dole with the truth of theLord; filch a man (hall never under- nand the truth of the Lord. Though the word be tweet to you fometimes, ifyour bleffedneffe do not lye in this, to enjoy God ; Oh this Gofpel of God, andthefe Commands of God, that your bleffedneffe do not lye in cleaving to the Lord in his word ; hay , it is a cer- tain truth, you (hall be blinded andharried by the word : For here is a Rule ; Whatfoever a mans heart is let on, as his chiefeft good , the pretence of that good it comeswith power: So here, the precious Gofpell of Chrift, when the pr efence ofit commands the heart, no- thing is good enough for it, and it clofeth with it, and with Chrift in it. 1 befeech yon therefore, Beloved in Chrifl, fet upon the tieof thefe meanes, think within your (elves , What if the Lord had left me without the word ? I will tell youwhat ye would have been. Look upon thefe poor Indians, herds of Beafts; look upon others on their Ale - benches, enemiesto the Lord., inch a one thou hadft been. This blel'fed word and voyce of God, every tittle ofit coil the blood of Chrift ; written all the lines of it in the blood of Chrifl. Oh, make much of it, and it will make much ofyou ; it will comfort you, and flrengthera you, and revive you; & ifthe word come not with power, ye (hall be under the power of fornething elle; ifnot under the power of the word, then under the power of fome hilt. What is the reafon that thefe poor crea- tures, that are come to the tryall for life anddeath , that have fallen into filch finnes as were never heard ofd What is the reafon that they are under the power of their lofts i' Iwill tell you what Solomon faith, My fon, ifwifaome enter into tby heart, and difcretion be pleafant to thyfoul, it (hall keep thee from the f}range woman, and fnful companion. If it be pleafant, here is the reafon,the word of Gods grace it never came with power , or ifit came with power, powerlefs the word of Gods grace bath beento them ; and becaufe it .hath not come with power , the Lord hee bath giien them - over to the power oftheir lufts, and finfutl difteatpers.Oh Brethren, truly I cannot fee how any man can maintain any evidence of Gods cloning tone, that' (halt hear and hear, Y