Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4500 .S43 1657

THE NÍ. MAgiftrates, We are to be fub- jell to them, andwhy. 64 When Chriffs power is calf offin this refpeíl, not being fubjel! to them. 64 And objeaions about this anfwered. 66 Minifteriall power what it is. 54 And ifthis be not fubmitted,Ch,ri is caft of 69 And when men dofpifed it. 62 O hdinanr,es, When men adde their own inventions to Gods Ordinances, they call off'Chrifls Go- vernment. 34 We muff tale heed off this; and why. 35 Whenmen deffroy Ordinances and de- ny them , they caft off Chrifts go- vernment. 3 5 o caft ofordinances, is a temptation ;ofSatan. 36 When Chrift is thru(t out of ordinan- ces, his government is call off. 39 To pollute Ordinances what it is. 39 To contemn them. 39. 40 s. To ufe them with unbroken hearts. 40 t. To ufe them withoutfaith. 41 4. By not looping to Chrf in them. 41 P. Ower, fee Government. Power of Chrift .in Government. I; Abfolute. 2. Derivative. 3. Mi- nifteriatl. 30 a.Abfolute andKingly:b. when men cafe off this. 3 r a. Derivative power which ChriJt gives to the Church,wlaat this is,fee 45 a &C. , AB What power a private member of the Church path. 41,&c. 3. There is a MinifleriallPower. 54 What this Power is. Power of aril. ,in a Commonwealth, when its calf off.. 63 See Majeffrates. Of interiors power, andwhen that is, cu1i o 68 K. Eproofs , to be taken, and the taing ofthem, is the tryall ofa d rît tan, and a Hypocrite. 47 S. Aran, to be given over to him, a judgement ofGod. 9 Service, what it is. i Servants cenfured for running from their Mailers. 95 SubjeSion, fee Government. Dangerous not to yeeld fubjeílion tb Chriff. 76 Subjetlion to Chrift, when it is to be yeelded. 82 Direilions how to yeeld fithjellion to Clorift. 8, T. THanTcfulnefs. We are to be thanIefull for our liberty and freedomfrom bondage. 71 Motives and Direllions to it. 77,&c. Oblations anfwered that binder this duty. eo 1(. U Nbelief ; Tbe occafzons of it. 83 lrii'. Ill ofChrift, twofold. 23 How man c4f off ChYes will, s4 A