e".`t? n. wbolefon2e Caveat, league with his lulls, now this the Lord will not do :And hence, if he does not deftroy him, he with- draws him- fellfrom ferving of the creature, and hence other evils take hold of it; and bring it under. When Adam flood, and, was for God, all creatures ferved him, and the riches of Gods goodneffe preferve4 him, the Lord communicated the fweet of his government or fervice to him: but when turned away from' the right wayes of God : Now if the Lord fhould ferve him by gover- ningof him in goodneffe, he fhould ferve a left, andbow to the creature,. nay to a haft, which is a viler thing, then for one creature to fall down and wc:lhipano- ther. Therefore nowhence it comes to paffe, becaufe the Lordwill not be a fervantto anymans luit,there mull beTome other government that molt feize upon them. Hence fet all the Saints in the Churches with their faces fubje£ted to the Lord , his good evil and righte- ous wayes, and then his goodnefs fia:ii flowdown up- on them in a through Chrift, for o her'. ife we have nothing to do withgood, but whenwe tie itt right for God. Hof 2. 19. I will betroth thee unto me for ever, yea I will betroth thee unto me in righteoufne(fe, in judgement, in loving kjindneff'e and mercy, &c. ' The Lord will then command all creatures tobe ferviceable to his Church andpeople ; Verf. 21, 22. But on the contrary mifery mull needs feii upon the foul that loth call off thego- vernment of the Lord iefus : Thus much for the gene- rail explication of the point. Now in . particular. I. What is this government or fervice of God ? 2. What is that bondage he captivates his unto ? g. WhyBoth the Lordde thus ? Qeft . i. What is this government or fervice of God which being flaaken off the Lordgives themover to bona dage? Anf. There is a double government of the Lordover his people. 1. Internall or inward, of which our Saviour fpeaks, Luk; e7. 2 r:: he kingdome of God (faith Chrift) antes not by obfervatttn and outward pomp; For behold the kingdome of God is within you a And this is nothing elle in generali , but when the Lord doth by hisSpirit in the word of his grace caufe the whole foul willing- ly to fubmit and fubjee`t itfelf to the whole will of Go d o