ofthe molt high, Whofe kingdome is an everlajing king. dome, and all the Princes of the world fhall fubjea them. fèlves to this kingdomof Chrili. This outward KingdomChrift adminiflreth amongf} his people in this world ; And this was part ofthe Lords government over his people herein, thoughvarious from our formnow. 2. Of the Common- wealth, which may have divers forms, and had in the time ofIfrael ; bur it receiving its law fromGod, and governing for God, hence it was the government of God, and fubje8ion hereunto was fubje- t Lion and fervice to God himfelf : And hence when the people caft off Samuel, r Sam 8.7. They have not re= Jelled thee but me, Rev 1 i . 15. The kingdomes ofthe world are become the kingdoms of our Lord andof his Chriff, and '1)4 flirll reign forever and ever. For although the Com- mon-wealth of Iflacl was made up of the Church, and henceYofephus Gals it a Theocracy,where the Lord govern- éd ; andyet the fame thing haddivers gr o-. c, formes and refpets,and hence there was a diverfe government then, andlence made diverfe, 2 Chron.1 g. 5, 8. Jehofaphatfees judges in the land throughout all the fenced Cities. Such is the wildaefle, Loldnefs, & carelefnefs of wens hcarts,that they do notonly need lawes, but watchmen over them to fee they be kept : and hence the Lord appointed Tome chief, Tome Judges in every City, and allo fame in ever y Village, as by proportion may be gathered, Exod. 18. e- very ten men had one over,them. Now this was the bleffed wifdome of God toput all into [weer fúbordination one unto another for himfelf. 1. Every one profeffinghis name is made for God, for Chrifi, as LordofLords, unto whom every knee me bow, and inwardly fubjea. 2. Hence the Lord it beingnot good to ieaveman tohimfelf) eretsa Kingdonie of the Church with his own power, and authority, and government in it for that end. 7rtN;. 3. This being poor and fhiftlefle againft inward and c'utward revenge, hence the Lord lets up Kingdomsof the world, which either rule for this end or thefe ends or not, if they do not, they are to anfwer it, and fhall`one day to Chriit, whom Godbathmade headover all things to the Church.Eph.l. 22. Ifthey do, then theirgovernment, udgement and kingdome'is the Lords in a fpeciall man- ner