Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4500 .S43 1657

for a time ofLiberty. Oh think of, it with forrow in fecret for them that know it not themfelves, they have fecretly , I fay, fecretly caft off the government of a merciful! Chrift , and hence are under the hand of untnerci-' full men. What is the caufe in our native Countrey, not- withftandíng all prayers and tears no diliverance ? truly men do not know it but the Lord fees it, they know not how to ufe their liberty. And for our (elves , what Than I fay, I cannot but bleffe God and wonder to fée how 'tis with many, and rejoyce to fee many precious holy ones, to whom one day in Gods *Court is fweeter than a rhoufand elfewhere ; but I mutt profef e and cannot but " mourn for others, Wren that were eminent under bondage, but never worfe then here ; as if the Lord lhould fay, Look here be your eminent ones ; look , and fear, and mourn you Minifters of my houfe; here be the people you had thought had been converted , and that of all others fuch a one would never a fallen fo ; one an opinion takes him, another a lot , another look company, another his loft, another gowes proud , another fierce, another murmuring : what fhould I name all ? Oh that my words might behealing, &c. Vfe 3. Hence fee what will becomeofus that are now ruder the government of the Lord ; ifever we cart it off, either inward, or outward, or both. We arenot dearer to him thenhis people Ifrael here, nay Judah. Whenold Ifrael the great and numerous tribes ofIfrael 'hadfet up calves, little Judah and Benjamin receivedthe Netts, and yet they fell and were in bondage. I know we are not yet inbondage ; yet it is not more unfeafona- ble to (peak now then for the Lord to Solomon,' King kuef. But therebeing much unfubduednefsin the hearts of the belt, how (hall oneknow when there be fuch fins for which the Lord will caft from under his govern- ment Anfwer a. When'men do not loath their own hearts for, the unprofitableneffe, but loath Gods ordinances fecretly, And grow weary of them as of their bur- dens itife 31 1