Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4500 .S43 1657

for a timeofLiberty. and quarrel. Now it's time for the Lord to give over to another government. Zach. 1 I. 14, i 5. When Brother- hood is broken, thenan Idol-ihepheard is fet up. Exodus 2. Motes was Pent todeliver Ifrael, but he finds twoHebrews oppreflèdftriving, andmull not be eheckt neither, well then fare-well deliverance if you be of that fpirit; you Thai! love one another better ifever the Lord Both that for you. It hath been the wifdome of fome Princes, when their fubje {s have been at Civill wars, to call them forth toa common enemy,and there they can agree. ph brethren, there is no fin like this , and yet none fo fligflted. You (hall know what it is eitherby being yoked under enemies or fins. The firft ofthefe breakingbonds ofunion to Chrift, the other withhis members. Vfe 4. Hence fee the reafon why many men are deli - Vfe 4; vered up to thebondage of their own lulls, the molt fad bondage and power of Satan, who have feemed to be delivered from it; truly they havecall offthe government of the Lord. Menwonder why in this .Countrey men are more vile then ever theywere, men that gave great hopes ; the reafon is this, they have feemed to beunder ,Chrifts government, but feeretly call it off: And hence filthy and vile hafts are their Apparitors and Purfe- vanes, &c. Objeilion. The Saints feel a bondage, how fhall one Objeffion, know the difference ? Anfwer. The fiat and greatefî inthralment is, when Anfcr. 1. Satan and fin fo rule as that they know them not, this is lamentable, that like thofe, John 8. 33. when Ch rift told them,if they continued in the truth itfhouldmake themfree, they would not believe that ever they were in bondage fo here a man thinks himfelf free when he is a flave, thus Ffalm. 81. 13. God gave them up to their own hearts lufis, and they were ledby their awn Councels. TheSaints may he muchcarried away by the power of Satans temptations, but never fo far as to think their bondage is their free- dome, and to have reafons and arguments prevailing a- gainft the good wayes of Gods grace, and to have reafons tomaintain their finfull courfes, and that is in (itch ashave wit, and parts, and knowledge, which through the righ- teous judgement of God are left fo far to abufe it, as to make ufe ofit to maintain their fin-full lulls. a. whenmen if they fee their bondage. yet have no fit,fa,. heart to come out of it, i ufing all means for that end. When