Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4500 .S43 1657

.,...,...,»..'t.!-r.- 1_.+....,.c*--==_ _ ,Rwholefome Caveat and that glorioufly, Ro. 8.1,2. For the lase ofthe Spirit of life which is in Chrift Jefus, bath made me free from the lash offin and death, Ads 5. 31. A Prince and Saviour, for togive repentance and remton of fins. It is part of his Vrincely power for to give remiflion offins; both in tur- ning from fin, and to God, and all the wayes of God, and now you exalt himwhen he is thus fec up : t Cor. 4. 20. The Kingdome ofGod is not in word, but inpower. The power of Chrift Jefus is come into thy foul, and the foul is under the Kingdome of the Lord Jefus, when it doth lye under the mighty power of the Lord Jefus Chrilt, 2 Theff. I.1 t,12.66repray always foryou,that the Lord would work andfulfill the good pleafure of his will, and the work, offaith inpower, that Chriflmay beglorified. Yea, then is Chrift glorified, when God omnipotent reigns over fin and unbelief; &when the Lord doth this, not only the Kingdome of God is now conic, but the Kingdome of Chrift in glory is come ; there is many a poor foul thinks Chrilt rules him not , becaufe he cannot do this nor that, becaufe he finds his heart unable, & unwilling for to fub- Tmit to the will ofChrift ; I find no flrength at all , faith the foul, and I go to Chrift and find not ftrength con- veyed,and now he thinks he is not under the Kingdom of Shrift. I anfwer, that is not the queftion ; but hash the Lord made thee willing in thedayof his power ? when the foul doth lye under the power of the Lord Jefus Chrift, when the foul doth lye like wa$ before the Lord 3efiis ; when the foul faith, Lord there was never any changeof my nature; the good Lord change it , and if there be any change, the good Lord increafe and flit up the graces of thySpirit in my foul, and do thou lead me and guide me. Brethren, the Kingdotne of Chrift is come to this foul : John 5.40. Tou will not come to me for life ; He doth not fay, you do not quicken your felves, or ye cannot come tomtt, but will not ; here is their wound, they will not come to Chrift for life, Rom. 6. 19. As yee haveyeelded your members fervants to fin and Satan, fo now yceld upyour [elvesfervants to righteoufnefeand to holineffe, Vial. 119. 5, 6. Thou haft commanded that we fhouldkeep thy precepts continually. Oh that my heart were direfled to keep thy precepts continually ! Oh that my heart were direfled to keep thy ftatutes 1 When a Chrittian is graplingwith his own heart, ye will never be able to overcome the un- firbduedneffe thereof ; but when ye bring them to the Lord,