Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4500 .S43 1657

.-F 48 A rrholefome Caveat queflion their grace. Snakes will not hifTe nor fling,'till touched; a (beep will be led to the flaughter, and turn the cheek to him that fmires So fhould one poor bifi. then do to another, when he comes to hint in the name of the Lord ; but not many that w ill fo do, but refit} and oppofe againft all reafon. 3. They have a power of Communication of good one to another, in way of edification, according to their pla- ces in this their communion : So that now, 'tis not only left in the hands of the Officers, but ofthe wholeChurch, and each Member in the Church; according to his place and ability, to edifie the whole, Eph. 4. i 6. From whom the whole body, fitly joynedand compailed together, by that which every joynt fupplyeth, according to the effeiluallwork. - lug in the meafure of every part, making increafeof the body, unto the edifying it felf in love. Members are not to Itand like beautifull piftures in Church-windows,and as ceflly Images in Churches ; that have eyes, and fee not, Bares, and hear not ; but they are to be living hones in Gods building ; not only to build up themfelves, but oneanother alto, thar fo a man may not only get no hurt from communion of Churches, but he may get good indeed from the fame. And if I'miflake not, here is the wound of Churches : When Members Peek not, and indeavour not the good one of another; and fo have Ordinances and means of doing one another good, but exercife them not ; or if they do, receive not the good theymight hereby ; but may fay, and (hall fay at !aft as he, Prov. 5. 14. I was almoft in all evil! in the midft ofthe Congregation : Sin prevailing, andforrows by little and little, likewater in a leaking fhip , finking the poor bark. rfl. ,weft. What are thofe means that are left to the Saints themfelves, even privateMembers to exercife in Chrifti- an communion for men and women ; and fo you may fee when theft areneglected, or not improved, thepower of Chrift in his Church is cart offfo far forth ? Anfiv. Anfw. r The fiat is, a Spirit of dear Chrifl-like love one to another, everyone to all, and all to that again; being ready to expreffe it felf, in procuring the good of others as well as its own : This doh fweetencommunion very much, and edifies, quickens, and encourageth a Chriflian in his whole courfe marveloufly. Eph. 4. t&. !Waking increafeofthe body, unto the edifying it felf in love. Loge