Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4500 .S43 1657

54 Awhole/some Caveat thinksnone fo poor and Hallow, and heartleffe as , and every one is better than I, however I need more than a- ny This foul will be glad to fuck the breft ; and the Lord will fill others with light and life, and his own bowels, to do.fiich a one goof. whereas, elk they are Phut up, and they find n:) good conveyed to them by any of the Ordinances of the Lord, nor any prefence of God in them. 3. There is a Minilteriall power, . committed from' Chrift ley ;he Church to the ruling Officers thereo . I fay, by tl hutch , for all power in the Church, is properly Chrif'.s, yet he n stly communicates it ordinarily to his Church, or multitude of Beleevers, to whom is commit- ti- d the fupreme ower of the Keyes in his word, and a binding and loafing, as bath been fhewen ; and by this Chvi,c"h, this power hathbeen by Chrifts appointment, and ítill is, to becommunicated to thofe that are chofen our of the mfelves, tobe Officers and fullers over them in the Lord, to esercife the ;power of Chrift over them ac- cording to his will. Heo ce the very power of binding and loofing,ctening and (hurting, given, to theChurch, is alto given to Peter and the raft of the Apcftles; and the fucceffors ofChrifts Apoffies in Dcarire, Pent of Chrifi, John 2o. 23. Woof èver-s fins ye remit, they are remitted; d c. B_csat}fe, rtiough thepewer of Communication of it is in the '..'.hurchcs hand, yet the pooitt of ufuali ad- miniltration of it is in .their hand :.;rles theyexereife it according toChiiff, yet úy the Church. And hence Paul puts a difference betw en this e3;trsordinaiy Mini- fiery, asApof lefhip, and. ordinary. Gal. r. o: An not ofmen, not by the tillof ' men, but by Chrift ; forthe Church, riot. b}_ it : Now this I fay, is by the Church from Chr ft. 1Ff iac;, AEls 20. 28. The holy Ghoff hash fnaale them overfeers j f o that 'tis no invention of man, or at of man, or the pow el. of man ; but of Chrift, and hence 'refi:fe to be ruder this 'power; men caft offthe yoke and power of Chrift Refus. For though the dive of the Church be Democraticall àraci Popular; and hence no pablick adminiftrationsor Ordinances are to he adminifirated publickly , without notice and coofent of the Church ; Yet the government Of it under Chrift, the Mediator and Monarch of his Church ; tis 'Ariffocraticall, and by fome chief, gifted by chrifl, chofen bx the people to`rule them in the name of Chrif{,