to lie intreAteJ. "'1' · ["~ I ledge and J/. !'"· k•ve j•dged me fAith- · {Nit. If lhe, bad ·not beene. ·fin cere !hewould 'not have done fo :~ bu.t ·linceritie makes a man bold ·toappeale to G~d himfelfe. , Llrd thou xnpwej thAt 1 I /(Jve t!Jee faith S.Peter ,and If thert it 411J -iniqt~it~ t,J r»y heArt{aith Dtt~itl, _tbey ' , dare appea!e to God .and to Gods people,ifyee have i"tlged·me f4itbfu/l. , · _ ~ I.n .this fpeech likewife. flice de fires to h2ve con. firmarion · of -· her :eftate · · / ' from the··,Apaftles. And ), . ~ndeed it is a great c-on- Approbatt.. fi , • f " CL' . oaofftrong rmauon o wea/<e ur1·· ChriGians ' (Hams to have the judge. confirmes ,_· _ . f n/'-t the wcake. - me .. .