Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

:darkenelfe . fame-times, : ; · that we are not able judge of. ·our owne:J. I con~ clition. · · . · .-, .: .4-rid i~d~ed wheR we · To "ud e JUdge .ttbe-~' ·people · tO ·be . welllof,g · - · truly.g0od, and truehe~r:.. . ~hrift~aRs•· red to God,we owethem· this dutie? to ~ thinke , _. them gooct people, . and to:thew-ir,it,is a ;dep t.:,we ,·wrong good ,· .perfons , : when wee take ·wrong conceits of them. Shall ·wee not · a:ffea: and Jou-e themth~t GoJloues ~ lt! s . · as if' 1bee had _ fayd, God - · hath taken me into his.fa- -~ ~ ; mily, and will admit mee to heauen, and will ·not y~u . come to my houfe ~- when Chrift · !J1all take · F