Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

· c8me te my . I:Jau[t; a11d ~trJJ a/;ide thrre. •' n ', -6u fee many ,- \ '_ I . f pre- Lrdi~s in-, fc . 1 11.... ' Vltatlf)D, ent . y after_ u~ee ' · beleived, here is .. : · a loving heart~ Why did lh~e deft re them to come To fhew to her houfe tt To ex- · her'lQue. preffetbelone the did beare \ ~ to them -ror their werks fake,fhee felt the loue of Chrifi by their minitl:ery and now !be delired to ex· preffe the fruit of her loue I in maintainingthem. . ' And ~ot_ ~nely fo bu~t F 2 _. thee .. . ' \